It Seem we are yet to see the end of these frequent recalls by auto manufacturers of their respective brands that are plagued with factory errors here and there, before now it was SUBARU, then came TOYOTA and some issues of airbag malfunctions and then came VOLKSWAGEN, now we have NISSAN in the news.
Some times these recalls involves elementary components of the products in question, sometimes it involves more vital components that affects the general functionality of the vehicles, truth be told this issue of frequent recalls by our renowned manufacturers
would always linger on as Long as we have a fusion of man and machine pulling the strings in the automotive world.
Giant Japanese automakers NISSAN have recently recalled one of its popular brand the ALTIMA for some technical defects regarding its hood latch, this recall is recorded as the third time this problem would suffice, its is stated that the Nissan hood latch which is used for holding down the hood to prevent it from occasionally popping up has experienced some assembly problem with its actuator lever knob, also identified is the inadequate anti corrosion coat that was used on the latch this has drastically reduced the efficiency of the latch there by subjecting it to rust and inability to adequately bind the hood.
This defect and the delay of the recall has prompted dealers to carry out inconclusive and makeshift repairs just to satisfy their customers, the hood latch defect is only applicable to the NISSAN ALTIMA CARS that falls between the year 2013- 2015, if you v got one in your garage kindly pay close attention to the hood latch to check for some bit of malfunctioning.
Car Talk