used cars
Shopping for a high value item such as a brand new car could be demanding in its real sense reason because you take into consideration several factors that might at the end of the day affect the choice you make.
Shopping for a used car could be even more demanding than shopping for a used car, reason because you have to take into account the fact that the car in question has already been put to used previously which brings us t the fact that some of its components have already been depreciated which makes the shopper even more cautious in order to find the right bargain in the long run.
Below are some Automotive theory tips to look out for when going shopping for a used car this tips might not be exactly precise to follow when shopping for a used car but will go a long way to giving us an idea as to what to look out for when buying a used
car. ( be it tokunbo or Nigerian used)

used car
Look out for defaced bumper
One key thing to look out for when shopping for a used car is to see if it has a defaced bumper, this can only related to one thing and that is the used car in question has been involved in an accident, the implication of this is that certain components of this used used car might no longer function appropriately components such as the air bags( if it was actually built with one might have been compromised.
So its best to take a proper inspection of this aspect when shopping for a used car to further clear any assumption.
Unusual engine noise
This is a very important observation to note when shopping for a used car, paying attention to the engine sound could be very key to making a good bargain when shopping for a used car, unusual engine noise could mean that there's actually a problems with the engine that needs to be addressed before you pay for that used car if indeed you really like what you see, this unusual engine sound could be inform of a rattling sound which might imply that there might be an issue with one components of the engine of that used car, proper attention is requires to spot this out.
Dashboard or cluster light
Having one or more dashboard or cluster lights on in a used car that you wish to buy isn't a great idea this simply means that there is an underlying electrical problems that needs to be addressed before you pay for that used car this could as a result of some problems that needs to be fixed which automatically triggers on the check lights, sometimes when this used cars are shipped from regions that are known to be ridden with floods the case may be that this car
might have been immense in flood thereby triggering the check engine or cluster lights, before u pay for such a used car please get it scanned by a specialist and if you so wish to g ahead with the deal let it be a reason to bargain to buy such a car at a cheaper price.
Check for handling and alignment
One key area people fail to observe when buying a used car is the area of proper handling and alignment, this can only be observed when the car is test driven,
Handling and alignment problems is an indication of the fact that the used in question might be an accidented car or by chance might have been converted from a right hand drive to a left hand drive depending on which region of the world such car might be coming from.
The implication of this is that such a car might develop handling or steering problems if it eventually purchased .its best to do a test drive in order to spot this kind of defect.
Look out for blank clusters
In as much as we try to advice buyers of used cars to pay attention to dashboard cluster lights we will also use this medium to advice prospective buyers of used cars to also look out for blank dash board clusters.
Some used cars dealers are in the habit of closing all the warning lights that come up on the dashboard clusters to prevent unsuspecting buyers from finding out if the car in question has an underlying problem to be corrected, this they do by opening the dashboards cover these warning lights with black tapes so the they don't display for the buyer to see when the used car is cranked up even though the problems that has resulted to the used light coming up is still there.
It is therefore advisable to run a proper diagnosis on a used car that is intended to be bought.
Other areas to look out for when buying a used cars also includes , vibrations
Whatever the case might be its best appropriate to go with a qualified techman when buying a used car for proper diagnosis and inspection in order to get the best deal.
Car Talk