Hi there, have you ever wondered what your car's vin number represents, or have you bothered to find out the numbers and letters that constitute your car,s vin number and possibly where it's located in your vehicle?
The fact remains that as a car owner, these are some of the facts you should be curious to know regarding your car to better understand its history and functionality inside out, so sit back and read on as this post takes a look at the history of the vin numbers and how they better represent the complete information regarding your car.
Here we go again but in simple terms, Vin numbers are a cluster of digits and alphabets assigned to every automobile manufactured, representing every vital information regarding that particular vehicle that needs to be known.
Vin numbers which are usually up to 17 in number carry vital information about every particular vehicle it's assigned to matter of factly it's more like a personal tag or permit me to borrow these terms "social security number" vin numbers carry vital information regarding a vehicle this information could range from, the vehicle manufacturer, date of manufacture, country of manufacture, year of manufacture, engine type, trim type, color and many more the key secret being able to decipher this information correctly which this post will also shed a little bit of light on.
Before the fall of 1981 cars were manufactured and rolled out of the plant without much ado. Still, the year 1981 witnessed the introduction of the vehicle identification number vin for short as a means of identity for each and every vehicle manufactured, as this has been the trend ever since.

This question is a lot more peculiar with newbie car owners or maybe those who do not pay much attention to their cars. barring any new adjustment or modifications, the vin numbers could be found at the point where the dashboard meets the windscreen in today's cars and in some cases at the door pillar or within the hood in slightly older cars, these numbers are very easy to spot and say a whole lot about the particular car in question.
The vin number is quite relevant to the overall well-being of the cars. take for instance the area of maintenance. vehicles of today are a lot more sophisticated than one can imagine and as such might require having the vin number to source for spare parts.
Take for instance I drive a Toyota Corolla 2002 year and it turns out that I might have to replace the ECU as well known as the brain box, getting a replacement part for this car would be quite difficult without utilizing the vin number. this vin number would help provide an exact match replacement part for my 2002 corolla, that sounds good right?
The vin number could also come in handy when buying a used car. this would actually tell a lot about the car,s history if it's accidental or not.
The fact remains that as a car owner, these are some of the facts you should be curious to know regarding your car to better understand its history and functionality inside out, so sit back and read on as this post takes a look at the history of the vin numbers and how they better represent the complete information regarding your car.
Here we go again but in simple terms, Vin numbers are a cluster of digits and alphabets assigned to every automobile manufactured, representing every vital information regarding that particular vehicle that needs to be known.
Vin numbers which are usually up to 17 in number carry vital information about every particular vehicle it's assigned to matter of factly it's more like a personal tag or permit me to borrow these terms "social security number" vin numbers carry vital information regarding a vehicle this information could range from, the vehicle manufacturer, date of manufacture, country of manufacture, year of manufacture, engine type, trim type, color and many more the key secret being able to decipher this information correctly which this post will also shed a little bit of light on.
Before the fall of 1981 cars were manufactured and rolled out of the plant without much ado. Still, the year 1981 witnessed the introduction of the vehicle identification number vin for short as a means of identity for each and every vehicle manufactured, as this has been the trend ever since.

This question is a lot more peculiar with newbie car owners or maybe those who do not pay much attention to their cars. barring any new adjustment or modifications, the vin numbers could be found at the point where the dashboard meets the windscreen in today's cars and in some cases at the door pillar or within the hood in slightly older cars, these numbers are very easy to spot and say a whole lot about the particular car in question.
The vin number is quite relevant to the overall well-being of the cars. take for instance the area of maintenance. vehicles of today are a lot more sophisticated than one can imagine and as such might require having the vin number to source for spare parts.
Take for instance I drive a Toyota Corolla 2002 year and it turns out that I might have to replace the ECU as well known as the brain box, getting a replacement part for this car would be quite difficult without utilizing the vin number. this vin number would help provide an exact match replacement part for my 2002 corolla, that sounds good right?
The vin number could also come in handy when buying a used car. this would actually tell a lot about the car,s history if it's accidental or not.
Earlier on we promised to further throw more light on how to denote or decipher your car vin number, I know people are getting a grasp of how the vin number can be deciphered but for the sake of some of our ardent readers who still do not know how to go about this here,s how to do it.

photo credit / http://www.autocheck.com
Assuming the above image is your vin number, well break them down to their various meaning.
1. The first character on the number represents where exactly the car was built (1)
2. The second and third character in the series represents the vehicle manufacturer (HG)
3. The fourth to eighth characters in the series represents the vehicle brand engine, size, and type (BH41J)
4. The ninth character in the series represents an authentification that the vin number has been authorized by the manufacturer so please always look out for that (X)
5. The tenth character in the series tells you the model year of the car (M)
6. The eleventh character in the series indicates the exact plant where the vehicle was assembled (N)
7. The twelfth to seventeenth number in the series represents the vehicle serial number (109186)
This sums up how the vin number should be deciphered to instantly check the authenticity of your car vin number visit the link below for
Auto Check
now as we will soon be rolling out a platform that would enable you to check your vin number on our website without going elsewhere.
Hope this helps a great deal subscribe to our newsletter to enjoy more updated on incisive information about today's cars
Earlier on we promised to further throw more light on how to denote or decipher your car vin number, I know people are getting a grasp of how the vin number can be deciphered but for the sake of some of our ardent readers who still do not know how to go about this here,s how to do it.
photo credit / http://www.autocheck.com
Assuming the above image is your vin number, well break them down to their various meaning.
1. The first character on the number represents where exactly the car was built (1)
2. The second and third character in the series represents the vehicle manufacturer (HG)
3. The fourth to eighth characters in the series represents the vehicle brand engine, size, and type (BH41J)
4. The ninth character in the series represents an authentification that the vin number has been authorized by the manufacturer so please always look out for that (X)
5. The tenth character in the series tells you the model year of the car (M)
6. The eleventh character in the series indicates the exact plant where the vehicle was assembled (N)
7. The twelfth to seventeenth number in the series represents the vehicle serial number (109186)
This sums up how the vin number should be deciphered to instantly check the authenticity of your car vin number visit the link below for
Auto Check
now as we will soon be rolling out a platform that would enable you to check your vin number on our website without going elsewhere.
Hope this helps a great deal subscribe to our newsletter to enjoy more updated on incisive information about today's cars
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