To underestimate the importance of the radiator is, to say the least when it comes to an internal combustion engine, the essence of a healthy and clean car radiator cannot be over-emphasized as it practically regulates the temperature of an automobile the radiator's main function is to maintain the temperature of the engine by acting as a reservoir which holds water or coolant that cools the engine.
During the course of this cycle, the condition of the radiator is bound to degenerate thereby making it less efficient as such should be periodically maintained to keep its optimal shape and continue to preserve the life of the engine, One good way of maintaining the condition
of the radiator is by periodically steam washing it, there are several reasons why you must steam wash your radiators regularly and these reasons are not far fetched
Regularly steam washing your car radiator could prevent engine overheating, some times when we drive through floods and muddy waters tiny particles and pebbles are trapped in the fins of the radiator this simply prevents the radiator from effectively taking in enough air needed to regulate the coolants that pass through it.
Periodic washing of your radiator will help maintain ad preserve it, during the course of engine operation, these engine coolants sometimes get contaminated with impurities and dirt which results in it being brownish in color, these impurities have the tendency to block the radiator internally thereby limiting its capacity.
These two points and some more are the main reason why you must flush your radiator periodically more importantly flushing your radiator periodically can help preserve the life of your engine by limiting any chances of overheating to its bearest minimum.