Five Cars Specs That Would Blow Your Mind.

1. Volkswagen Tractor

R E E E E E A L L Y !!!!! beetle:

What do i say about this mechanical contraption, the volkswagen  beetle as a tractor!!, well its specification , cool you might say but it still possesses the usual characteristics if the regular beetle. with its usual air cooled engine style but this time slightly improve for some bit of durability, you wont mind having one of these for some quick excavation would you?

2. Volkswagen Caravan

   Is that a bug under there?:

Cant imagine this house on wheels thats what we get the volkswagen beetle with w caravan well above, quite fascinating i must admit but what i still need to understand is how fast this will move, as usual it should come with the a slightly more powerful engine . Good concept all the same

3. 1953 Bond Minicar

1953 Bond Minicar Mk C. @designerwallace:
This Car had its origin from Europe, and as the numbers goes was manufactured in 1953, well its specifications didn't say much about it but its sure t blow your mind,driven by a three speed manual gear box and a attaining a maximum speed of 80km/h this cars was surely cool during its hat days.

4.  1933 Dymaxion

 1933 Dymaxion ~ The Dymaxion car was designed by Buckminster Fuller in the early 1930s. Its name was a composite of the words ‘dynamic’, ‘maximum’ and ‘ion.’ The three-wheeled Dymaxion Car had rear steering and front-wheel drive powered by a Ford engine. The car could transport up to 11 passengers, reach speeds of up to 90mph, and ran 30 miles to the gallon.:

This is an Aquatic car from all ramifications, but what beats my imagination is is engine size a v8 engine for this ? i can only imagine the amount of torque it sure would be able to produce, but in all of this what should seem very significant is the speed this would transcend to, for a 1933 concept car i dont expect much when it come to speed , but loving the design though, wouldn't you as well.

5.  Volkswagen Limousine


This popular volkswagen minibus in a limousine version, well the speed i would not vouch for but for comfort then we are sure not to expect less, this vehicle usually isnt known for speed, worth with its rear air cooled engine but am sure the manufactures would have done some adjustments here and there to add some extra-bite to its engine, maybe maybe not. but one fact to be sure of it that its 2074cc engine has been given a well deserved facelift for the task of pulling along this lengthy vehicle.

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