Importance of a good Fuel Filter

Image result for signs of clogged fuel filter

Am compelled to write about this topic today given my experience while on the road earlier where mere negligence cost a certain car owner a hefty sum of money and in in addition to that the hassles of dealing with the authority, or how well can you explain a situation where an individuals car breaks down on the road and he clear to an area where he assumes is safe for that night only to comeback the next morning to find out that the vehicle has been vandalized and its E.C.M gone missing, he reason for parking the vehicle in such an are in the first place ? BAD FUEL FILTER.

Another scenario that has played its self is the a situation where a vehicle  breaks down on the express way obstructing traffic, this on its own could be considered a traffic offence depending on the clime (country) you pull the car to somewhere you feel is safe and does not obstruct traffic on the road before looking for an expert to help you diagnose the problem only for you to come back and discover that your cars has been (towed) moved  by the authority where you might be asked to pay a sum, you ask yourself why in the first place you had to park your car
in such a place the answer is negligence.

Sometimes we tend to ignore certain warnings and signs given to us by our cars only to hit the road and be victims of one of these scenarios, in most cases these problems might be caused by a very simple and serviceable part of our cars, something that ordinarily would not cost much to replace if done at the right time but due to negligence would warrant us to pay more in dealing with the repercussion.

Back to the essence of this post" the importance of a good fuel filter" the fuel filter though small is a very integral part of a car,s fuel management system and indeed a a car in general, this simple but vita components carry,s out the function of purification or better still sieving, making sure the fuel that gets into the combustion chamber is void of any form of dirt, the fuel filter is so important that if yanked off the car would lead the car to perform erratically and ultimately experience one of the aforementioned scenarios if not timely rectified, fuel fiters do not actually go bad all the do is to get clogged up with dirt which will ultimately lead to erratic performance by the engine, yes we are in the electronic age where most cars of today are practically driven by electrics where every car component is fitted with a censor to monitor its performance, but for the DIY,S out there who still need to decode the signs of a faulty fuel filter this includes ENGINE MISFIRE, ROUGH IDLING, SUDDEN LOSS OF POWER WHILE IN MOTION, CHECK ENGINE LIGHT(in more modern cars) and in rare cases HARD STARTING.

To further add to this a clogged up fuel filter would not only prevent you cars from functioning optimally but can as well cause some damage to several other components most notably the fuel pump.

Whatever the case might be its best quite essential to pay close attention to your cars working in order to detect any malfunctioning components and subsequently fix in immediately, this is more essential with regards to the little and non significant components like some would categorize the fuel filter, its best to always replace the fuel filter whenever you carry out a routine service on your car in order to prevent an occurrence of any of the above mentioned scenarios.

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