Wow do you remember this car? quite elegant during its hail days , this tis the datsun laurel one of nisan,s flagship sedan cars and the first of its kind to have a gour door, tdatsu laurels, production spanned jus for four years, lets take a brief look at its origin.
The Datsun Laurel emanated from japan, this history of this simplistic cars could be traced as far back as 968 in japan when the first models were produced. as a direct replacement for the nissan bluebird in Nissan,s Luxury line.
First Developed by Nisssan surumi the datsun laurel was
originally desighned as a two door sedan with modifications to have been introduced in later editions, the nissan , during its course of production the datsun laurel underwent an eight generation proceess which spanned from 1968 to 2002 before it was finally discontinued, but i still love to br asscocited with the above model given the fact that it was a pointer to japanese technological ingenuity during the mid 80,s and early 90,s as far as datsun and nissan were concerned.
Built with an option of 1.8. 2.0 2.4 and 2.8 litre engine the datsun laurel was indeed an elegant luxury car for the elite during its hail days.
Whats your story about the datsun laurel ? kindly share.
Iconic Cars