Your phones can mess up your car key fob.

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                     key fob

Have you ever experienced a situation where you pop out of your car and lock it up using its remote key fob only to come back sometime later to reopen with the same key fob and the car doesn't respond.

That might seem awkward at that moment but there are reasons why the fob might have failed at that time, as this device hardly goes bad at all except for its inbuilt battery which occasionally needs to be replaced.

Car key fobs are practically made of small transponders embedded in a small chip, when the buttons of the car fob are pressed this transponder sends signals in form of codes
to the brain box or ECM for the car to respond to that given command at that time.

Do you know that your phone could be harmful to your key fob YES continual exposure of your car key fob to your phone and computer could actually result in gradual damage to this device?

This is so because as earlier explained your car key fob communicates with the ECM of your car using codes, when these fobs are placed near your phones or computers the conflicting magnetic signals that emanate from your phones and laptops can easily damage the transponder in your car chip and make them not to respond subsequently.

It's best our car key fobs are kept quite far off from our gadgets like phones and computers to prevent gradual damage.

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