Three Signs That Tells Your have a steering problems.

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The Steering System of every automobile is indeed a critical part, this system which is made up of several sub components is primarily responsible for navigating the vehicle while in motion, to simply put the vehicle would be clueless on the road without the steering system.

The steering system which has evolved over the years from its initial mechanical state to a much more computerized system in cars of today, a steering system is typically made up of several subsystems or units which makes it a whole,like the rack and pinion, the steering wheel itself, hydraulic
pumps, steering column, tie rods, pit man arm, track rod, recirculating ball gear box and and of recent the electronically controlled power steering, for a steering system to function effectively all these sub components must work in tandem with each other.

There are several tail signs to show if your car has steering problems, this sighs could manifest as drivability problems or come up when the car is at  rest  position, this article takes a look at this symptoms and possible corrective measures.

Stiff Steering While Driving:

This is a common Occurrence  with vehicles fitted with hydraulic powered steering system, when experiencing stiff steering this could be an indication of a faulty recirculating ball gear box in older models without the hydraulic pump or a problem with the hydraulic pumps in vehicles fitted with them. a good option when faced with such situation is to replace any of the faulty components .

Whining Sounds: 

Whining sounds are those sounds you hear when you turn your steering, these sounds occur as a result of a defective hydraulic steering Pump, which ultimately causes general steering problems, this sounds occur when the steering pump goes low on steering fluid and as a result of that traps in pockets of air in its system this automatically leads to the occasional whining sounds that is heard.
Corrective measures for such problem could be through bleeding the steering  pump or out rightly replacing it.

Loss of Steering Fluid:

Continual Loss of  steering fluid which is applicable to vehicles fitted with the hydraulic pump in their steering system could mean one thing vacuum Leaks, this leaks could be as a result of broken pump hoses, bad steering pump, bad steering rack and lots more, one quick way of fixing this problem is to stop the leakage by replacing the faulty components.

Whatever your case might be the proper thing to do when faced with steering problem issues, is to carry out a proper diagnosis.

Hope This Helps.

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