Difference Between A Four Wheel Drive and an All Wheel Drive.

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                      4wd vs awd

Which is your preferred the conventional 4 wheel drive or the modern day all wheel drive?

Whichever might be the case both systems in their entirety are different and suited for various scenarios, most people still assume the fact that these two systems even though different in names still mean the same.

The four wheel drive could still well be understood by an average motorist but the all wheel drive still remains misunderstood by many, the purpose of this write up
is to clearly differentiate these two different automotive concept in simple terms.

The 4 wheel drive or the 4x4  as many would call it is the conventional system which is typically found in offload vehicles these system involves the transfer of torque or power from the transmission to the transfer case, which itself is made up of gears, this transfer case in turn evenly distributes power to the different wheels through the axles.
The rationale for this system is to ensure that enough power is evenly transferred to the various wheels in order for these wheels to spin at the same speed.

The 4 wheel drive has been significantly improved over the years in earlier editions the 4 wheel drive was manually engaged but cars of these days are fitted with one touch buttons which instantly engages the four wheel drive system.

The four wheel drive high and low are two different propositions all in one system, the four wheel drive high is utilized to prevent wheel slippage at low speed and maintain traction at speed up to 60 mph.

The all wheel drive which seems to be a newer innovation, can be found in high performance cars , cross overs and suvs it involves the use of a differential as to the transfer case in the 4 wheel drive,
the differential picks up power from the transmission and transfers this power to between the  axles but at different level.

The Major difference between the four wheel drive and the all wheel drive is the fact that the all wheel drive remains constantly on most of the time while the the four wheel drive could be toggled on and off.

The main concept of the all wheel drive is that power is transferred to the wheel with the most traction  either through the front  rear or center deferential, this system is most suitable o slippery surfaces because in this condition the different wheels gets different amount of grips at different moments and the wheel with the most amount of grip at the moment gets more power from the differential to further increase traction and maintain overall balance for the vehicle.

                                DIFFERENCE BETWEEN T 4WD AND AWD

Image result for difference between 4wd and awd
                AWD VS 4WD

                 4 WHEEL DRIVE                                                ALL WHEEL DRIVE

Transfers power through the transfer case to               Transfers power through the differential to the the four wheels                                                                       wheel with the most traction

Suitable for all  terrain                                                  Suitable for slippery road condition

Transfers power evenly                                                Transfers power differently

Stays on most of the time                                             Could be toggled on and off using a button and
                                                                                               the conventional lever

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